In July 2021, we hosted our match graduation for our matches from 2019 through 2021! Although not all of our matches could be there, we had 20 of our matches and their families in attendance. It was a wonderful afternoon where our Bigs and Littles shared touching stories about each other and their match.

This event couldn’t have come together without the support of the community:

Thank you to Sourdough Co in Arden for donating all of the sandwiches for the graduation attendees.

Thank you to Nugget Markets, Safeway, Raley’s, Target, and Trader Joe’s for donating gift cards that were used to provide water, Gatorade, chips, cupcakes, and games for the event.


Hearing the stories from the graduated and graduating matches was truly inspirational! There was barely a dry eye in the house when we heard both Bigs and Littles talk about their experiences over the years of their match, and how their relationships impacted them in very meaningful ways. Don’t take our word for it, check out this video to hear their speeches: